The most beautiful thing in this world is the loving power of the human spirit. When you witness it, it’s unmistakable, and it inspires and brings love and joy to your life like nothing else. What’s amazing in life is that we often see this during adversity, tragedy and difficulty. It turns life’s most daunting challenges into its most amazing revelations of character, love and hope.
Olivia Crumpton’s story will take you through perseverance, health, wellness and an unconquerable human spirit. Olivia combines her personal narrative, interwoven with moments of adversity and difficulty, all of which have propelled her into an “enlightened respect and appreciation for the body that we have”.
Olivia’s journey began when she was a teenager and had two very ill parents. In fear of being left without them, she pivoted her mindset to focus on her positive spirit and dedication to health. “My appreciation for life, even amidst my greatest setbacks, never left. I found peace in focusing on the positives and moving forward moments.”
Olivia (Liv) Crumpton has a Bachelor of Science in nutrition and dietetics, with a clinic on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Her approach with clients is bespoke according to their individual circumstances and needs and based first and foremost on judgment-free understanding. She embraces the healthy power of food on the principle that achieving optimal health is not through a perfect diet but rather finding balance on your plate and in your life. She doesn’t encourage restriction or elimination but rather a connection of physical education and psychological wisdom to form a truly mindful eating and lifestyle approach. She strives to develop effective, individualized strategies to build a radiant relationship with food and guide you to health and wellness.
Our bodies have the unique and amazing capacity to work miraculous results when fed and supported with the right diet, nutrients, exercise, and lifestyle. It is a simple choice that offers profound results when we choose to harness the power of this great being and take control of our health to live a happy, healthy and fulfilled life.
What are some of your qualifications as a nutritionist, and how have you set yourself apart in your field?
I have a bachelor's degree in Health Science (Nutrition and Dietetic Medicine) and am currently completing a Master's in Women’s Health Medicine. What makes me different is my life experience and openness.. No judgment here ever.
I would love to know how you became interested in food. Was it an early passion? What was your motivation?
I have always been a true foodie lover, spending time in the kitchen at my Grandma Gwen’s country home. I was always her little sous chef. This memory warms my soul, however, this wasn’t the reason for wanting to pursue a career as a nutritionist but more the health and science side combined with the ability to help individuals and the broader Australian community - it truly drew me to a close on this career change.
Like so many people, my life story is complex. It is this story of grief, loss and deep appreciation for life that brought me here today. I understand the vulnerabilities that come from life experience. If nurtured correctly it is what creates the desire to be a better person and drive positive change.
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